Jurusan dan biaya kuliah Siirt University

Tentang Siirt University

Universitas Siirt didasarkan pada Dicle University Institute of Education yang didirikan pada tahun 1976. Sebagai universitas independen, ia memulai kegiatannya pada tahun 2007 dengan mengambil nama kota tempatnya berada. Dalam terang nilai-nilai universal, pendidikan, pelatihan, studi penelitian, dan layanan publik terus berlanjut untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat akan nilai-nilai etika, partisipasi, peneliti dan profesional yang berkualitas, dan berkontribusi pada ekonomi, sosial, budaya, dan olahraga di wilayah mereka dengan tanggung jawab mereka sendiri. pengetahuan. dan keterampilan.

Perbandingan Dengan Universitas Indonesia

Peringkat Dunia Menurut WebometricsUniversitasTahun Pendirian
2982Siirt University2007
3049Universitas Negeri Semarang1965
3092Universitas Gunadarma1981

Video Profil Siirt University

Program Jurusan dan Biaya Per Semester Siirt University Tahun 2022-2023

Faculty of Veterinary
Veterinary472 LIRA
School of Physical Education and Sports
Coaching Education233 LIRA
Physical Education and Sports Teaching233 LIRA
Sports Management233 LIRA
Faculty of Education
Teacher Training in Sciences348 LIRA
Teacher Training in Mathematics at Primary School Level348 LIRA
Teacher Training in English (Enhglish)348 LIRA
Guidance and Psychological Counseling348 LIRA
Teacher Training at Primary School Level348 LIRA
Teacher Training in Social Studies348 LIRA
Teacher Training in Turkish348 LIRA
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Geography315 LIRA
Sociology315 LIRA
History315 LIRA
Turkish Language and Literature315 LIRA
Faculty of Fine Arts and Design
Architecture385 LIRA
City and Regional Planning385 LIRA
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Economics382 LIRA
Public Finance382 LIRA
Political Science and Public Administration382 LIRA
Social Service382 LIRA
Faculty of Theology
Theology348 LIRA
Faculty of Engineering
Computer Engineering473 LIRA
Civil Engineering473 LIRA
Faculty of Health Sciences
Nursing348 LIRA
Occupational Health and Safety348 LIRA
School of Tourism Management and Hospitality Management
Recreation Management233 LIRA
School of Foreign Languages
English interpretation and Translation233 LIRA
Faculty of Agriculture
Garden Plants473 LIRA
Plant Protection473 LIRA
Landscape Architecture473 LIRA
Agricultural Economy473 LIRA
Field Crops473 LIRA

Jalur Masuk

  • Nilai Rata-rata Ijazah

Lokasi Kampus

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