Jurusan Dan Biaya Kuliah Istanbul 29 Mayis University

Tentang Istanbul 29 Mayis University

Universitas 29 Mayis Istanbul (I29MU) adalah institusi pendidikan tinggi yang berlokasi di kota metropolitan terbesar di Turki, Istanbul. Didirikan pada tanggal 29 Mei 2010, universitas ini diberi nama untuk mengenang peristiwa bersejarah penaklukan Konstantinopel oleh Kesultanan Utsmaniyah pada tahun 1453. I29MU menawarkan berbagai program studi yang mencakup bidang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, dan humaniora.

Perbandingan Dengan Universitas Di Indonesia

Ranking Dunia Versi WebometricsUniversitasTahun Pendirian
10349Istanbul 29 Mayis University2010
10379Universitas Sahid Jakarta1988
10590Universitas Kristen Indonesia1953

Video Istanbul 29 Mayis University

Jurusan dan Biaya Kuliah di Istanbul 29 Mayis University Tahun Ajaran 2022-2023

Faculty of Letters
Arabic interpretation and Translation (30% Arabic)26.190 LIRA
Management of information and Documents26.190 LIRA
Philosophy (30% English)26.190 LIRA
English Language and Literature (English)26.190 LIRA
English interpretation and Translation26.190 LIRA
Psychology (30% English)26.190 LIRA
History (30% English)26.190 LIRA
Turkish Language and Literature26.190 LIRA
Faculty of Education
Teacher Training in Arabic27.000 LIRA
Arabic interpretation and Translation (30% Arabic)27.000 LIRA
Teacher Training in English (English)27.000 LIRA
Pre-School Education27.000 LIRA
Guidance and Psychological Counseling27.000 LIRA
Teacher Training in Turkish27.000 LIRA
Faculty of Law
Law37.800 LIRA
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Economics (English)30.024 LIRA
Political Science and international Relations (English)30.024 LIRA
Social Service30.024 LIRA
Management information Systems30.024 LIRA
Faculty of Theology
Theology (30% Arabic)26.190 LIRA

Jalur Masuk Istanbul 29 Mayis University

  • Nilai ijazah

Lokasi Kampus

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