Jurusan dan Biaya Kuliah Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University

Tentang Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University

Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University adalah universitas negeri yang terletak di kota Bandirma, provinsi Balıkesir, Turki. Universitas ini didirikan pada tahun 2015 dan merupakan universitas yang masih muda, namun dengan cepat terbukti sebagai pusat pendidikan tinggi di wilayah tersebut.

Universitas ini menawarkan program sarjana dan pascasarjana di berbagai bidang, termasuk teknik, ilmu sosial, ilmu kesehatan, dan lainnya.

Perbandingan Dengan Universitas Indonesia

Peringkat Dunia Menurut WebometricsUniversitasTahun Pendirian
7198Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University2015
7232Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto1965
7392Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta1956

Video Profil Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University

Program Jurusan dan Biaya Per Semester Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University Tahun 2023-2024

Maritime Faculty
Nautical Management and Administration10.500 LIRA
Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering10.500 LIRA
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Labor Economics and industrial Relations9.250 LIRA
Economics9.250 LIRA
Economics (English)9.250 LIRA
Business Administration2.820 LIRA
Public Finance9.250 LIRA
Political Science and Public Administration2.820 LIRA
international Relations9.250 LIRA
Faculty of Humanities and Communal Sciences9.250 LIRA
History of Art
Sociology10.500 LIRA
History2.506 LIRA
Turkish Language and Literature10.500 LIRA
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Computer Engineering10.500 LIRA
Computer Engineering (English)10.500 LIRA
Electrical Engineering10.500 LIRA
Electrical and Electronics Engineering10.500 LIRA
Software Engineering10.500 LIRA
Ömer Seyfettin Faculty of Applied Sciences
international Trade and Logistics9.250 LIRA
New Media and Communication9.250 LIRA
Management information Systems2.506 LIRA
Public Relations and Advertising9.250 LIRA
Faculty of Health Sciences
Nutrition and Dietetics10.500 LIRA
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation10.500 LIRA
Nursing10.500 LIRA
Healthcare Management10.500 LIRA
Social Service10.500 LIRA
Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture
Graphic Design10.500 LIRA
Faculty of Sports Sciences
Coaching Education9.250 LIRA
Physical Education and Sports Teaching9.250 LIRA

Jalur Masuk

  • Nilai Rata-rata Ijazah

Lokasi Kampus

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